Friday 8 March 2013

Guess it hit the spot

Guess it hit the spot. I was off fairly early this morning to head for Kingsland to stock up the larder to feed four extra people each day this weekend.  It was like grocery shopping in the old days for me.  Robyn called to let me know that they would be arriving mid afternoon.  So, along about 2:30, I headed for Okefenokee Pastimes where I had made a reservation for them for a cabin.  They arrived shortly afterward, and I took the grandgirls for a little walk around the campground while Robyn and Dennis took care of the paper work.  It was one of my better ideas as the girls had been cooped up in the car for two days as they made their way from northwestern Indiana.  How much energy do a three and a five year old have?  About the same amount as Emma does.

Eventually we came back to the rig, and the girls were very excited to see Emma the ‘Gog’.  As usual, she went berserk at first, but then calmed down.
Hard to believe, I know, but the wild child calms down more easily with the grandgirls than anyone else on earth.  Here Avery has Emma sitting to get a raisin.  Avery thought Emma looked hungry and wanted to eat one. 

Emma wasn’t the only hungry one.  “I’m hungry, Gramma Belt!”  Hmm… I’m cooking dinner.  Okay, how about a strawberry?

                                                                  I guess it hit the spot!
Of course, I thought the grandgirls could help fill up the holes in the sand that Emma is digging to China.  Ha!

Seems to me, they may be making the hole bigger!  Guess the child labor law people won’t be after me after all.  Winking smile

It’s great having family around for a change, and I thank Robyn for capturing these shots with my camera while Grandma was getting supper ready.  It gave me a chance to have the itsy bitsy spider crawl up Phoebe’s (Buckles’) back.  (For long time readers, you know that I am Belt and Phoebe is Buckle.)

I did get a call from the National Elk Refuge today.  I thought I’d find out if I’ll be going there or not this summer.  It was not to be today.  The call was to further verify whether or not we are a good match.  As before, I was honest and said I was not interested in working four days a week in the visitors center.  It’s a wonderful location, but I just know I’d be frustrated if that was my only duty.  The volunteer coordinator will get back to me next week after she checks with her supervisor to see if a more varied work assignment might be possible.  After almost seven years volunteering with the  US Fish and Wildlife Service, I know what I’m willing to do and what I’m not.  After all is said and done, I am retired and don’t want to spend all my volunteer time indoors.  That’s just the way it is.
Thanks for stopping by… talk to you later,  Judy

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