Monday 18 March 2013

Guess I’d better juice up the battery on the shaver

Guess I’d better juice up the battery on the shaver. I’ve pretty much spent the last four or five months ensconced in blue jeans.  Today was warm enough that I felt the need to put on shorts this afternoon.  That’s when I noticed the HLS once again.  Every spring for the last several years, I’ve been stricken with the Hairy Leg Syndrome!  It seems I don’t often pick locations for the winter where I’m wearing shorts everyday, so why bother? 

I have to admit that I did shave my legs before going into surgery in January.  Didn’t want to gross out the surgeon, don’t-cha know.  Confused smile

                                                     (Pics tonight are from my roving yesterday.)
I spent most of the day today just relaxing and recuperating from my four days of work.  I did make a trip into Kingsland for groceries which is about 80 miles round trip. 

Then as Emma and I were sitting outside this evening, I finally decided to do something about the toad.  With all the dust and pine pollen from the last few months it was really disgustingly dirty.  At our volunteer meeting on Thursday, I found out where the vehicle washing station is on the refuge.  We can use it for our vehicles on off hours, so since it was warm out and I’ve improved enough to manage it, I zipped over there to clean it up.  Glad I had shorts and old shoes on, as I ended up about as wet as the car. 

Tomorrow is laundry day, and my friend Jack arrives in the afternoon.  That will certainly add a little excitement to the day.

Not much else is new here from the swamp.  Guess I’d better juice up the battery on the shaver… it’s that time of the year again.

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